Search & Social: A day in the life of Alex

Liv E
By Liv E Elliott
August 2022
Alex portrait

Hello, I’m Alex. I’ve been working in digital marketing for almost 10 years, and I’m Fluid's paid media specialist, working within the Search & Social team. It’s a varied role, meaning my weeks are very rarely the same, which is both great and also a challenge when it comes to sharing a typical week. So here’s my Wednesday…

Written by Alex Mitchell

On a Wednesday, I make an extra effort to get myself out of bed at 6:30am, and get to Fluid Fit – a weekly gym class in the fitness studio below Fluid – which is a great way to start off a working day.
Once I’m showered, I check emails, Teams and then get stuck into Google Analytics to analyse recent campaign performance for a variety of clients, checking if there’s any increase or decrease in activity, while determining the cause and ensuring we’re on track to hit goals for the client.
At 9:30am, we have our Search & Social team meeting. It’s a twice-weekly 10-minute ‘stand up’ where we discuss current trending topics, and once a week we’ll have a one-hour meeting to go through workload, current campaigns and discuss where we can help each other out.
Then it’s time to get stuck in. There’s no typical routine for the bulk of my day, as my role varies so much. I don’t think two days are ever the same, but over a standard week, I’ll get involved in:

  • Campaign proposals: Working with various members of the team to plan new campaigns – from ensuring the creative is suitable for the proposed ad platforms, to researching the best targeting methods and suggesting suitable budgets that will work for the client to give positive results.

  • Campaign setup: Once a proposal has been approved, it’s then time to set up the campaigns. Whether this be a Google Ads search campaign, or a Paid Social campaign across multiple channels, each new campaign brings a sense of excitement with the challenge of trying to bring positive results across paid media.

  • Campaign reporting: This can be monthly, fortnightly or weekly, depending on our clients’ needs. We aim to give an open and honest update on how a campaign is performing, suggestions for improvement, and our plans moving forward. This may involve setting up a dashboard through Google Data Studio, a more personalised InDesign report, or a good old fashioned Excel spreadsheet.

  • Display ads: After receiving creative from the design team, it will be my job to build animated HTML5 ads, which we would then supply to the client, or use as part of a new campaign that we would run through Google Ads or another programmatic platform.

  • Email marketing: Whether it’s building and populating a monthly newsletter, or planning a new email automation journey, I’ll often find myself in Mailchimp at some point during a working week.

  • Analytics and tracking: We always want to ensure that we provide valuable results for clients, rather than reporting on impressions or traffic, so I’ll often find myself in Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics setting up events and goals for effective reporting.

At the end of the day, I get ready for Fluid Football, a weekly event where all members of the Fluid team are invited for a friendly (sometimes slightly competitive) game of football! 

We're currently looking to expand the paid media specialism within the Search & Social team. Read and apply here.