Google Analytics 4 is coming. Are you ready?

Liv E
By Liv E Elliott
April 2023
Alex - Google Analytics 4

If there’s one tool we love in Search & Social, it’s Google Analytics (GA). Need to know if a paid campaign is performing? GA has us covered. Does that landing page have more conversion rate optimisation? Let’s take a look at GA.

Written by Alex Mitchell

In fact, when a new client approaches us, one of the first things we ask during the research phase is “Can we take a look at your Google Analytics?”
Despite the fantastic insight you can gain from an explore of Google Analytics in its current guise, Google thinks it’s time for a change.
If you’ve not heard, they’re retiring (or sunsetting in their words) the current product - Universal Analytics. And the retirement date is coming up fast. 1 July 2023 to be precise. From that date, the platform will fully move over to the new product — Google Analytics 4 (GA4).
For our clients reading this, if your website is managed by us here at Fluid Ideas, we’ve already created a GA4 property for you. Not only that, but we did this in July last year so that you will have year-on-year analytics to compare.
But if you’re not entirely sure if you have a GA4 account setup, maybe if you even have Universal Analytics - then we can help. Our Search & Social team can not only help with initial install, but we’re also offering a quick audit that will allow us to set up the relevant goal tracking so that you can report on the effectiveness of your website.
Further to that, if all of the above sounds interesting but you don’t know where to start — we can offer bespoke training that gives one or more members of your team the foundations to pull useful data and present it in a way that can help deliver powerful business insights.
If you’ve not realised by now, we’re pretty big fans of analytics and the power it can generate for our clients. So if any of the above sounds useful, drop Alex a line on [email protected] and arrange a quick chat about your GA4 future.